Robert Adams Live Narrative "Don't React to the World" 45:10 - $4.95

By Robert Adams Infinity Institute

Don't React to the World

In this live narrative Robert Adams breaks down the illusion of separateness in thoughts in human nature. The word Enlightenment only exists with students in order to explain that there is a state beyond the so-called norm. A state of total transcendence. Robert Adams explains There is only the liberated Self and you are that. That liberated being is resting in his true nature. Robert Adams reveals the nature of the world and discusses the true nature of the Self, stating "Everything will take care of itself and All is Well."

A student asks Robert Adams a question How do you feel about Bhakti? The relationship between Atma Vichara (Self Inquiry) and Bhakti are discussed as well as additional answers from student questions questions.

Robert Adams discusses how to prepare for Self Inquiry to get control of the body.

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Robert Adams Live Narrative "Don't React to the World" 45:10 $4.95

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