Side Control For Beginners - £9.99

By CSA Digital Downloads

Side control is a position with endless opportunities to finish your opponent...but first of all you have to control them! Find out how to do it and then submit your opponent.

1. Controlling The Head Or The Hips

2. Shoulder Of Justice

3. Isolating The Arms

4. Countering With North/South

5. Using Knee On Belly

6. Knee On Belly Transition I

7. Knee On Belly Transition II

8. Advancing To Mount

9. Reverse Scarfhold To Mount

10. Americana

11. Kimura

12. The Mouse Trap

13. Spinning Armbar

14. North/South Kimura

15. North/South Choke Vs Hidden Arm

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Side Control For Beginners £9.99
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