FL Studio Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

By Composing Gloves


Keyboard Short Cuts I use to automate things I find annoying to have to go through menus for in FL.  The window key is used to avoid any currently existing shortcuts. When you are done in FL just close the script from the icon in your tray. 

List of Commands:

Mixer in Focus:

Win + a = Auto Color Group

Win + g = Group Selected Tracks

Win + s = Route Selected Track in parallel to target Selected Track (which is the first track you selected in FL 12.3)

Plug in Focus:

Win + e = Open last tweaked parameter in the browser.

Win + Ctrl + c = Create an automation Clip for the Last tweaked Parameter

This List may grow. Eric Burgess, aka: Composing Gloves, is not responsible for any issues from running any scripts created by him on your machines. In other words, RUN AT YOUR OWN RISK. They work fine on my machine, and I hope they work well on yours to. 

This scripts are made for windows.

-Composing Gloves

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