All is Well Vol 2 CD #2 Robert Adams MP3 33:45 - $4.95

By Robert Adams Infinity Institute

Robert speaks the truth about each one of us. “Everyone here is absolute reality, pure awareness. This is your Real Nature right now, not sometime in the future, not when you get enlightened, not when you search for the answers, but right this minute. This is what you are.“  "When you think about yourself do you think you are a puny human that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival? As long as you believe this that's the way it is going to be for you. But as soon as you accept the truth about your Self, that you are a delight, divine, Satchitananda you will be free. You simply have to accept it."

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All is Well Vol 2 CD #2 Robert Adams MP3 33:45 $4.95

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