Robert Adams Live Narrative "A Glimpse of Consciousness" 45:38 - $4.95

By Robert Adams Infinity Institute

A Glimpse of Consciousness

Consciousness is the Substratum of all Existence

“If you had a taste of just a glimpse of consciousness you would be so happy, so blissful, so at peace with yourself and life you wouldn't understand what you would become. If you would only taste a glimpse of this consciousness. You would not think of hurting anyone, you do not feel to go to war, you don't think that this is mine, this is mine this belongs to me. There will never be a you and a me. There will only be one. And that one is everything and everybody. And this is just a glimpse of consciousness.” Robert Adams continues in detail about the Self and Consciousness being the same. You have the freedom to choose consciousness or the things of this world. Robert explains pre-destination. Karma is discussed with deep understanding. Robert Adams discusses dreaming in sleep and the mortal dream. Robert discusses following the I thought, discovering where it originated.

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Robert Adams Live Narrative "A Glimpse of Consciousness" 45:38 $4.95

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